Two Meals A Day – The Key To Rapid Weight Loss

Two Meals A Day – The Key To Rapid Weight Loss

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For many years, there has been an opinion among nutritionists that the most optimal way to lose weight is fractional nutrition, the essence of which is that a person should eat a little bit throughout the day. Many doctors are already saying that this way of eating is not the best way to control your appetite, and in some places even leads to weight gain. Experts are increasingly inclined to another version, according to which, for weight loss, you need to eat right, but twice a day.

A few days ago, the American Diabetes Association presented a new study that involved people with type 2 diabetes. After some time, scientists noticed that they lost more weight with two meals a day than those who ate the same amount of calories, only in 6 approaches.

In total, 54 people took part in the study, and for 12 weeks adhered to two types of food: first, they ate twice a day, and then six times a day. The number of calories in both types of food was the same. It is worth paying attention to the fact that in both cases, the study participants lost weight, only in the first they lost 1.23 of their initial BMI, and in the second – 0.82. It should be noted that their average body mass index before the start of the study was 32.6, which indicates the problem of obesity.

After the publication of the results of this study, a fairly large group of nutritionists stated that two meals a day do not give the desired result. Among other things, not every person can afford to have a hearty breakfast and lunch due to some features of their professional activities. For the same reason, it is difficult for many to refuse dinner, since only in the evening do they have time to eat properly. On the other hand, critics of multiple fractional meals believe that a six-time meal forces a person to constantly be near the refrigerator and intercept something on the go, which also has a rather negative effect on the process of losing weight.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the latest squeak of nutrition is three main diets: fast, metabolic, and VB6. So, for example, during a fast diet, you need to eat no more than 600 calories a day two days a week, and you can eat anything for the other five days.

The metabolic diet aims to improve metabolism. The VB6 diet is considered some kind of breakthrough in nutrition, as it is aimed at changing the attitude towards food itself. The main principles of the diet are to increase the number of vegetables, reduce the amount of meat, as well as the consumption of as many unprocessed foods as possible.

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